
时间:2020年03月10日 来源:

In some modern paragliders (from the 1990s

onwards), especially higher-performance wings, some of the cells of the leading

edge are closed to form a cleaner aerodynamic profile. Holes in the internal

ribs allow a free flow of air from the open cells to these closed cells to

inflate them, and also to the wingtips, which are also closed.[13]

The pilot is supported underneath the wing

by a network of suspension lines. These start with two sets of risers made of

short (40 cm) lengths of strong webbing. Each set is attached to the harness by

a carabiner, one on each side of the pilot, and each riser of a set is generally

attached to lines from only one row of its side of wing. At the end of each

riser of the set, there is a small delta maillon with a number (2 – 5) of lines

attached, forming a fan. These are typically 4 – 5 metres long, with the end

attached to 2 − 4 further lines of around 2 m, which are again joined to a

group of smaller, thinner lines. In some cases this is repeated for a fourth










Forward launch

In low winds, the wing is inflated with a

forward launch, where the pilot runs forward with the wing behind so that the

air pressure generated by the forward movement inflates the wing.

It is often easier, because the pilot only

has to run forward, but the pilot cannot see his wing until it is above him,

where he has to check it in a very short time for correct inflation and

untangled lines before the launch.

Reverse launch

File:Paraglider launch Mam T

Paraglider reverse launch, Mam Tor, England

In higher winds, a reverse launch is used,

with the pilot facing the wing to bring it up into a flying position, then

turning around under the wing and running to complete the launch.

The next step in the launch is to bring the

wing into the lift zone. There are two techniques for accomplishing this

depending on wind conditions. In light wind this is usually done after turning

to the front, steering with the feet towards the low wing tip, and applying

light brakes in a natural sense to keep the wing horizontal. In stronger wind

conditions it is often found to be easier to remain facing downwind while

moving slowly and steadily backwards into the wind.

Knees bent to load the wing, foot

adjustments to remain central and minimum use of Cs or Brakes to keep the wing

horizontal. Pirouette when the feet are close to lifting. This option has two

distinct advantages. a) The pilot can see the wing centre marker (an aid to

centring the feet) and, if necessary, b) the pilot can move briskly towards the

wing to assist with an emergency deflation.

With either method it is essential to check

"traffic" across the launch face before committing to flight.





线束也根据飞行员的需求而有所不同,因此设计范围很广,主要是:初学者的训练用安全带,双人旅客的Pax防护带(通常还兼用作训练用安全带),长距离越野飞行的XC线束, Pod线束,适用于基本至中级飞行员的全能线束,适用于专注于XC的中级至专业飞行员。杂技安全带是专为杂技飞行员设计的,儿童双人安全带现在也提供特殊的儿童防盗锁。



Paragliding is the recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying,

foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure.[1] The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing. Wing shape is maintained by the suspension lines, the pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing, and the aerodynamic forces of the air flowing over the outside.

 Despite not using an engine, paragliderflights can last many hours and cover many hundreds of kilometres, though flights of one to two hours and covering some tens of kilometres are more the norm. By skillful exploitation of sources of lift, the pilot may gain height,

often climbing to altitudes of a few thousand metres.


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